
This is volcano day in Pontoise

Je vous propose aujourd'hui une petite fiction "in english" sur un coucher de soleil nuageux à Pontoise.
D'avance : non je ne prends pas de substances illicites ;-D.

Something had changed. There was no more wind, no more sound. Everything was suspended in a long excruciating second. In this heavy silence, I felt, more than I heard, a deafened roar. It was distant but palpable. Pulsating slowly, it was like a breath of a gigantic beast. Dark clouds invaded the horizon, swallowing the dying sun.

The sudden screams of birds flights made me flinch. All of a sudden, the wind blew with force, and I took refuge behind a stone wall. The flurries were as dry as sand and was transporting dark flakes of ashes. I was soon dotted with those. The air was hot and irritating. Moisture came to my eyes as I tried to see between the gray flakes. The roar became louder minutes by minutes. Around me, darkness had set, but an orange light persisted to the West. I was attracted by this glow like a butterfly. I stretched my neck to see over the wall. The bush behind it was dancing literally in the wind. My vision was still blurry, I could only see the tiny shadows agitated in a see of fire.

I opened my eyes wider. In the distance, there were something odd. The hot wind disturbed the picture, I couldn't figure clearly what it was, but I knew it was huge ... For a point of comparason, I could see the tiny silhouettes of the trees and the buildings afar, and that thing was so much bigger.
The sky was now dark gray, and the light was coming from a lighter shape covering the horizon. I finally realised that it was a mountain... No a volcano ! I rubbed my eyes to make that vision stop... in vain.
That pit of doom was spitting its Gehenna's lava around and was glowing like a sun. But that was no sun, it had been engulfed.
I never knew that someday I could say : today, in Pontoise, this is volcano day!

Oui oui, on peut inventer presque n'importe quoi à partir de rien!
Mais avouez que ça ressemble à un volcan :D.

Allez sur ce bon gros délire, je vous souhaite une bonne nuit!

5 commentaires:

Môman a dit…

Très joli et puis le volcan, il fallait y penser.

Tif' a dit…

Lovely, wonderful speech and pictures !

Indeed, it is a volcano ! Gods blessed you with this vision !
And, what a wonderful thing (!) you share this vision with all of us.

Thank you and thank Gods !


thilde a dit…

@Tiff: Oh yeah bro :-D
Tu remarqueras tout de même que j'ai réussi à écrire un scénario catastrophe en anglais sans y écrire une seule fois "god" :O

@maman : ravie que cela t'aie plu aussi :-)

Anonyme a dit…

Ma j'ai rien compris.

thilde a dit…

C'est une petite fiction en anglais sur une éruption volcanique à Pontoise. Je suis partie d'une photo que j'ai prise où les nuages donnaient l'impression de former un volcan.

Pour la traduction, celle de google n'est pas trop vilaine ^^